Jun 3Liked by Kyna Kosling

This is a great thread and something that I know I'm missing myself. From a recent interview with Dolan V Kent, he mentioned something along the lines of "selecting a good stock is more important than a good setup". I found myself focusing purely on the technical setup seeing patterns everywhere not really look into the stocks themselves.

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Anthony Shi did say something along those lines, but he meant it more in a 'know your market cycles' context, and 'be in the leader of the strongest themes'. More so than 'pure' CAN SLIM characteristics. That said, a number of them are super helpful to finding more explosive movers - also see this stack: https://tradingresourcehub.substack.com/i/144592337/six-criteria-that-make-an-ep-more-explosive

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Jun 8Liked by Kyna Kosling

I see thanks for clarifying!

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Feb 17Liked by Kyna Kosling

Your best article yet Kay, this must have taken you a while to put together. Appreciate the comprehensiveness of everything tied together!

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That's fantastic to hear, Jon, thank you! :)

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Feb 17Liked by Kyna Kosling

A great piece of writing - the research, effort and time deserves recognition / praise. I think its fair to say majority of traders embrace CANSLIM in some form - swing, trend, position and long term hold. The exception is scalpers and day traders.

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Thank you so much! And yes, among momentum traders, it's amazing to see how many traders were influenced by CAN SLIM, sometimes without even realising it (or realising the extent of it). O'Neil changed so many lives with his CAN SLIM formula — a true legend.

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Can you please clarify one thing for me which all the great traders from Weinstein, Zanger and O'niell to Ryan and Minervini etc. emphasize.

They all say that one should be buying leading stocks in leading industry groups .... Do they actually mean industry-groups (ex. Tradingview has 160 industry-groups) or do they mean, like you wrote in this article "themes or sectors"?

Tradingview has 20 sectors and in GICS there are 11?

Thanks in advance!

All the best!

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They mean themes :) The point is that certain groups of stocks move in tandem, and you want to capitalise on that. By tracking groups (themes/sectors/industries) and not just stocks in isolation, you improve your stock selection. You improve your odds. Example #3 in this blog I wrote for base.report might also help? https://base.report/blog/start-simple-build-the-habit-first?aff=e1BDR

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Thank you Kyna, much appreciated! :)

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