Hello, You mentioned that "But once classic breakouts, HTFs, etc. start working again,"

What is HTFs breakout ? Thanks!

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Hi Kevin, 'HTF' stands for 'high tight flag'. It's a type of breakout setup.

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Thanks for putting the work.

What would the source of the fundamental info he uses be? Any idea?

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Hey, thanks for reading and commenting! Kristjan has an FAQ (https://qullamaggie.com/faq/), where under 'What other trading services/platforms do I use?', he writes this:

MarketSmith for EPS/revenue numbers, KoyFin for EPS/revenue estimates for the next few years.

Seeking Alpha for reading up on companies and also news/earnings reports.

TheFly for news/earnings reports.


He also has a detailed blog on EPs (https://qullamaggie.com/how-to-master-a-setup-episodic-pivots/), where he wrote, in context of finding historic EPs: "I looked up the intraday charts on eSignal which has intraday data back to the late 1990s. Once I found the EPs in those stocks I looked at the news in Briefing.com and the SEC website and sometimes on the companies websites."

Hope that helps!

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