Jun 15, 2023Liked by Kyna Kosling

Thank you Kay for writing these up - SUPER helpful to me both to quickly read summaries of info and to get your insights on top.

Just to say I really appreciate you taking the time to do it!

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Thanks Jamie, that's great to hear!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Kyna Kosling

I will make time to actually watch some of KK's streams, but can you tell me; does he mark on his charts or discuss in the streams his exact buy point. Or is it just price moving back above the ORH on the 5min chart on the EP day? I'm assuming it's the latter.

So for APLD for example, if he doesn't necessarily mark-up or disclose his exact buy we can assume it's around $5-5.10 an hour or so after the open on the 16th

I know nothing is an exact science and there's also an "art" to this but I'm wanting to make sure I understand clearly also.


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Hey, there are some streams where Kristjan goes through his positions, either because someone in the chat asked him to or just because he felt like it. With those, we know his approx. buy (I say 'approx.' because he typically says something like 'around XX' or 'high XYs'). For others, he might just say that he bought the ORH on the EP, or literally just that he traded the EP. And there are some stocks he never really talks about but do appear in his list on the screen, in which case we just need to work out the probable entry (and exit).

For $APLD, we know he traded it, but I don't recall him being any more specific than either saying he bought the ORH on the EP or simply bought the EP. It'll be in his small tax-free Swedish account though.

I haven't actually watched these because I like to watch the full streams, but Trading Archive posts some videos of stream highlights of individual streams (as well as compilations of setups etc.): https://www.youtube.com/@tradingarchive2702/videos. In case that's useful to you.

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