thanks Kyna for all the hard work you have done to create this great substack!

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Thanks, Vu :) I hope it inspires you to post on your Substack, too!

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Jun 3Liked by Kyna Kosling

I was surprised when you revealed yourself. Thanks for doing that! It made me feel you are closer and genuine. And of course your writings about KK is superbbb. Kudos to that. Keep up the good work Kyna!

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That's great to hear, Adam :)

Yes, the reveal was uncomfortable for me but, as you point out, it builds trust. Among other benefits.

Thanks very much, and will continue to do my best! 💪

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May 23Liked by Kyna Kosling

Love your writing style and all the information you put out there for us. Thank you and keep it up!

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Thanks very much, Texasdon! Doing my best 💪

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May 12Liked by Kyna Kosling

A face to a name and a person of many talents :) Love it! Thank you for all your hard work with this blog, it has always been very clear and consise and I look forward to each post.

Cheers from Canada !

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I always grin a little to myself when someone describes my writing as "concise", when I literally make a habit of sending 3,000-word emails! But I get what you're saying - the words are meaningful, and I keep fluff to a minimum (or try to).

Thanks for the kind words, and enjoy your Sunday! :)

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On the “I’m not the most self-confident person”… may I suggest a book? Maybe two?

- The Courage to be Disliked, but some japanese-sounding authors

- The Four Agreements, by a mexican sounding name.

You owe nothing to no one. So don’t listen to many people, especially haters. Do you what you’re supposed to do, as best as you can. And keep doing it.

Life is short and very few people spend their time thinking about “you”. And to prove it to you… imagine if one person has to spend 5 minutes per day noticing what the people they know do/are… if it is 60 people.. it’ll be 5 hours. Or 31% of a 16-hour awake-day. People just judge, which is comparing to themselves.

Just keep at it. You’re material is top notch and visibly gets better every post.

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Hi Rafael, thanks very much for your comment! I probably should have added to my stack that my confidence has grown quite a lot since starting this Substack, even if it's still not a quality that comes naturally to me. I checked out both books, and in particular your first suggestion looks perfect for me, so thank you for those recommendations! I will read them :)

One of the reasons I've grown in confidence is that the people I value, say they value my work. Irrespective of what anyone else may think about it, to me, that's the metric that truly matters. The one that indicates you're doing something right.

I also think happiness in life comes from only caring about the opinion of the people who love you. That's a rule I try to live by, and am getting better at.

Also as an extension of that, since the sports stack, I made the decision to write more selfishly on Substack, while continuing to share selflessly. I feel like my work/writing has gone up a notch since making that switch, and I'm really pleased to hear you're seeing the same improvement post on post!

Really, really appreciate the comment, Rafael. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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